La Ciguë is a self-managed housing cooperative for students. It comprises a large number of different houses and buildings in the city and canton of Geneva. The number of people per apartment can vary from 2 to 15. Each apartment has its own particularities and richness, and as each student shares their apartment with their roommates, they also share common tasks, parties and bills, in a spirit of living together.

La Ciguë is also a participative cooperative: co-operators are involved both in their accommodation and in the general running of La Ciguë. The cooperative is run by them through their participation in the various bodies :


  • The General Assembly (AG) is the sovereign body of the cooperative. Every member of La Ciguë has the right to vote. Among other things, the AG elects the Administration Council, approves the cooperative’s financial statements and decides on the cooperative’s future projects. It takes place at least 3 times a year, in ordinary session.
  • The administrative council (CA) is responsible for implementing the orientations decided at the AG. The CA makes decisions that have an impact on the cooperative’s general policy. The CA ensures that the internal organization is efficient and complies with the statutes and regulations. The CA ensures that members comply with the criteria for access to housing, and arbitrates in conflict situations if appropriate. Finally, the CA delegates day-to-day management of the cooperative to the Work Team. The Board meets 10 times a year, in ordinary sessions and, if required, in extraordinary sessions. It is made up of 13 people elected by the AG, including 5 members of the Work Team and 8 housed and non-housed cooperative members.
  • The Work Team (ET in french) are the employees of La Ciguë. They manage the day-to-day business of the cooperative. The ET is divided into 4 divisions : general administration, technical affairs, internal affairs and external affairs. The ET works in pairs and meets every monday for two hours to deal with current and future tasks.
  • The delegate, the concierge, le/la coordinator, are cooperators living at the Ciguë and representative for there building.
  • La Ciguë’s committees work on cross-functional issues for the cooperative. Find out more !