Leave and organize an attribution
Before leaving your accommodation, (at least one month in advance) you have to :
– Announce your leaving to your roomates so that they can begin to organize the allocation for your room (see beyond)
– contact the renting management to announce your departure (remember : leavings should be announced at least a month in advance)
– contact the technical manager to plan an exit inventory.
– once your exit inventory done, go to the office to get your deposit or send us your bank details.
How to organize an allocation :
When a room is available in your accommodation, please contact the office and give us the following informations:
- Rent
- Date in which the room is free (duration if subletting)
- Contact e-mail
- You may add a few words in the notice compartment (eg. “We have a cat”; “we are looking rather for”; “tell us what you are doing in life” etc.)
- Date of allocation if you have plan one
Send us an e-mail with all this informations to cigue@unige.ch or click here.
Please indicate to the choosen person to take an appointment to sign the lease and redirect her to the website so that she/he can be informed about all the documents and paiment needed to get to sign the lease.
All the cooperative works with the allocations. Thanks to take note to the following points :
The allocations have to be announced to the Ciguë to open them to all the person inscribed in search for housing. We are always tempted to chose friend nor people we knmw but remember that a lot of persons coming to Geneva that don’t know many people and Ciguë is a way for them to learn more about Geneva more easily !
It is important to do the allocation with all your roomates and to chose some people to allocate in case of decline.
If you have questions you can contact the renting management.