Attribution committee
The process of selecting a resident for a room at the Ciguë works through what we call “attributions”. This means that the residents of an apartment or house will get together asome candidates, of which one is then selected.
When new accommodations are received by the Ciguëand on other rare cases, the
Attribution Committee will do the attribution to choose the few cooperators who will
form the first shared apartment.
The Attribution committee consists of volunteer members of the cooperative who live
in the Ciguë. Three or four members of this committee organize one or many
attribution evenings in order to choose the future residents amongst the candidates.
The Attribution Committee also works to improve the attribution’s condition in the
inhabited flats and to help the cooperators if they are in difficulty selecting a new
The Attribution Committee is now coordinated by Damien. If you would like to
participate, or if you need advices for an attribution in your flat, contact him at
** Please note that this Committee does NOT respond to requests for housing
registration. If you wish to register on the Ciguë’s housing list, you must present
yourself to the office hours, Tuesdays or Thursdays from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The
Attribution Committee will in no case register you on the list of those seeking
This document is currently available in French only. If you have skills in translating from French to English and time to translate this document, please contact